Lou Ferrigno - The Ultimate Hercules

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Warning! Do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age or if you are offended by explicit language involving gay men!

Hercules: the Monster Unleashed! Part two

By thejackolantrn@yahoo.com

With ever step Hercules too his feet sunk slightly into the ground from the weight of the 460 pounds of muscle he carried on his 6'2 frame. His father Zeus has transformed him into the most muscular form in the world. Zeus used a magic potion that took Hercules' genetics as far as they possibly could go and now the muscle bound beast hunted for his prey... Titus.

The blond haired Titus waited in the village square for Hercules to show. A huge crowd formed to watch him in action. Everyone was talking about the massive man who challenge the undefeated Titus. The crowd was filled with mostly men who enjoyed watching Titus take apart the champions of surrounding towns. There had to be over a hundred men watching. Some stood with their son's sitting on there shoulders for a better view. Others would let their slaves watch, giving them the only entertainment and a rest from being over worked in the fields. Titus was the local favorite and hero. The 240 pound man warmed up by taking jabs into the air and was light on his feet. He looked around again and saw no sign of the muscle bound man he met at the lake. Maybe he wasn't going to show Titus thought with relief. Suddenly a massive figure came over the hill top. It was far bigger then the man Titus met. As it got closer he could see it was in deed that same man named Hercules. But he was holding even more muscle mass on his frame. With every step this monster's pecs jumped like to super thick slabs of fleshy steel. His walk was more of a strange shifting movement back and forth because of his immense quads fighting to get around one another, His arms were at a 45 degree angle because his wide lats and back pushed his enormous biceps and arms outward. His 10 pack brick like abs looked as though they were molded into place resembling a cobblestone walkway. He was far more then massive...he was a musclebound beast.

The crowd gasp at the sheer size of this God of muscle. Hercules stood and stared at the crowd with a cocky smile. The huge God then muscle his way through the crowd. He plowed slowly through the people, knocking some off their feet. His massive frame bumped one man holding his son and the boy was tossed from his father's shoulders only to be caught by a huge black man who was standing beside the man. "Good catch slave..now get back to the fields !" Hercules said with a cocky grin. "The name is Gargan" The black man said with some anger as he was ignored by Hercules. The massive Hercules walked into the center of the crowd were Titus stood. "Is this the biggest you have to offer "? He ask, looking at Titus with half of a laugh. Titus said nothing. Hercules tempted Titus as he opened his arms outward, leaving his muscle bound torso unprotected, "Take you're best shot !" Titus just stood there in disbelief of the demigod's arrogance. "Do it..do it..do it" the crowd started shouting at their hero Titus. Titus brought his arms back and with his hand clutched in a fist struck Hercules in the stomach. The pain that shot through Titus felt as though he broke his hand.

Hercules grinned and Titus then knew this monster of a man felt nothing. "now it's my turn.." Hercules said. Hercules took Titus' head with both of his over sized hands as he flexed out his dense pec muscle. The slabs of pecs rolled into two flexed domes of muscle that jetted outward and up. Hercules' chin sunk into the upper cleavage of the super thick mounds of muscle mass that was harder then steel. Hercules then thursted the shocked Titus' head into them with all his strength. Titus' head slammed into the immovable man's chest and a loud "THUD" was heard. Titus' head bounced off the rounded pecs as though he hit a brick wall. He staggered back 3 steps, his eyes rolled up in his head and he dropped to the ground out cold. The crowd gasp at the quickness of Hercules victory of their hero. The massive man then flexed both his biceps ... this fight wasn't over as far as he was concerned. Hercules picked up the unconscious Titus and squeezed him in a bearhug. The air puffed out of Titus' mouth as his chest was crushed by Hercules' massive 29" biceps. His pecs pushed inwards crushing Titus' chest. The unconscious Titus coughed and blood came from his mouth. Hercules loved it.. he was power hungry and was getting off on it.

"Let him go..." shouted the slave from the crowd..."you beat him..now let him go.." Hercules ignored the black man. The huge black man known as Gargan stood behind the brutalized Titus and shouted into Hercules' face. Hercules just grinned at Gargan. Gargan couldn't stand anymore and grabbed Hercules' wrist from behind Titus' back and pulled. Hercules' eyes widened as he felt his hands separating. He powered up his strength. His muscles flexed even bigger. His eyes were locked on Gargan's as he saw the black man's raggy shirt split and fall off of him. He was nearly as wide as Hercules. His shoulders, slightly smaller then the muscle bound demigod's flexed outward. His back widened and his biceps bulged in this battle. Hercules didn't give the devastated body of Titus a second thought as he crushed him even harder.

Suddenly his hands slowly parted further. The crowd was going wild and the slave grunted and shouted out for strength. "AAUUGGGGGGG" was the noise Hercules made in search of more strength as Gargan opened the bearhug far enough to have Titus' destroyed body fall limp to the ground. Then the huge black man shoved Hercules and the 460 pound bodybuilder stumbled back wards and the crowd went wild. Hercules eyes were wide with disbelief as this black man equaled his incredible strength. The entire crowd gasp in shock at what they just witnessed. Hercules stepped forward again, motioning Gargan into a fight...

> Move on to Part Three

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