Send YOUR comments, stories and and fantasies to UltimateHercules@mail.ru!
"Lou Ferrigno has the most incredible body in the universe. He
is a giant, and is a fantastic Hercules, but Lou - that rug of yours has
got to go!!! Toupees are out of style, and detract from your body!!! Your
toupee ranks up ther with Strydoms' & Coe's!!!"
"I think Big Louie is fantastic, and I know lots of people gisagree
with me because of one simple fact. His acting is really bad, but he does
try his best and deserves full credites. Besides, the only reason we watch
Hercules is because Lou Ferringo is in it." Arnold
"One of the greatest stories of ancient times totally ruined. I
don't know where the screenwriter learned mythology, but he must have flunked.
The most obvious is Hercules' love affair with his own great-grandmother
- Cassiopeia and it goes downhill from there. The monsters do not even
remotely match up - nor do they even parallel the story of Perseus, our
hero's grandfather who comes closer to the title character than any other
figure. As far as any other problems, I couldn't get past how horribly
the story was being massacred. I haven't seen this one in years and I intend
to keep it that way." HankyP
Lou is great for gay men, we loved his body!!!! Who cares about plot
when he looks so damm good!!"
"I remember when the first of Lou's movies came out, he was parading
around the streets of New York (where I live) in a chariot as a promotional
stunt.... and, on the news, a dismayed Lou was shown ticketed by the police..!"
"The Steve Reeves Hercules films are still the best. But there's
something to be said for big Lou's! Both of these films are quite beautifully
filmed, though the ancient Greece feel is just about ruined by those metallic!?
monsters and those futuristic laser noises... The ridiculous dialogue is
about par for the course. But the 90's jargon Kevin Sorbo spouts on his
show is even worse. And Sorbo's shows have more of a Norse feel than Greek!
I would rank Sorbo and company dead last. New Zealand is not ancient Greece..."
"Lou simply personified what Hercles should look like. He had size
and looks to make sure he was my type of superhero muscle man. Only one
thing - he could have shown more bulge down around the genitals in the
movies. I believe Lou was well endowed and it would have made him even
sexier to show off his manhood."
"These manage to be even worse than the 1950's
sandal epics." Gustavus
"They're good movies - almost psychedelic
(particularly the second one with the renegade gods)!" Peter
"Years ago, I watched the Lou Ferrigno version
of Hercules; incredibly dumb movie, but quite (unintentionally) funny.
One scene includes Herc and Circe the Sorceress trying to figure out how
to get off the island they're on, using the broken-down chariot of Apollo.
Now, up to here in the movie, a friend of mine had expressed his opinion
that the movie doesn't show enough women's breasts. So as the camera moved
from Circe's hot body to Hercules's face, this friend of mine shouted,
as he had several times before, "No! Don't show the dumb jock! Go
back and show her tits!" Well, at this point, Hercules asked Circe,
"How are we to use the chariot? The winged horses are lost at Infinity!"
or some equally clumsy line of this sort. The friend said, "Let her
tits pull the chariot!" I, of course, had to respond. "You know,"
I said, "I've heard of two chariots pulling abreast before, but never
two breasts pulling a chariot." I'm afraid I was laughing at my own
joke so hard, the last half didn't come out coherently. Nobody else laughed.
Sigh." John George
"Lou Ferrigno is and always will be the best Hercules - his massive
physique is incredible. The part where he wraps his huge biceps around
a tree and rips it out of the ground is just amazing. I've never seen anything
like it." dm
"I'm sure Lou is personally a very nice fellow,
but as Hercules??? Oh pleeeeze!! Big bags of bulbous, veiny overinflated,
underendowed men just don't do much for me." Kathleen
"I've never seen the 2nd one, but the first
one wasn't THAT bad! Sure, the SPFX were'nt that great (but a few scenes
are okay and clever, like the bear turning into a constellation after he
throws it into deep space) and the effects are remeniscent of 80's Atari
games, but the flash, B-movie charm and Lou Ferrigno make it an enjoyable
flick. If you see this movie, you shouldn't be looking for Citizen Kane,
but a movie to enjoy because of its action, monsters and fantasy spirit
(you have to admit, some of the scenes with the guards are pretty cool).
Also, about the Razzie awards, come on, Hercules wasn't THAT bad! There
HAD to have been worse films in '84 or '85 or whatever, I mean, come on!
It's Louie!"
"Lou is simply incredible - his huge biceps
are incredible, so massive and so strong, He is the only man who could
have portrayed the strongest man in the world - he looks the part - he
is a superman and he-man rolled into one. Imagine being enfolded by those
huge sexy muscles."
"The worst Hercules films I've ever seen
were the ones with Lou Ferrigno - they were SO bad that I can't like them
even in an ironic way." Robert
"This muscle dude is awesome. That beard
gives this dude some distiction and real man appeal."
"I think the audacity of the Lou Ferrigno
enterprise has been seriously underrepresented, historically. Most of the
people who've posted here claiming Hercules to be nothing but 'horrendous
trash' are the same ones who flock in droves to see nightmarish dung like
'Saving Private Ryan,' a film so laughably bad it could be used as a weapon
of psychological warfare. Hercules and its admirable sequel have the courage
to be precisely what they intend - outrageous, profoundly entertaining
spectacles smart enough to sidestep the sort of grievous formal constraints
that bear down on their peers." mdd
"The only movie I've ever walked out of because
of it's sheer "terrible-ness" was the Hercules movie starring
Lou Ferrigno (I think). I know... what did I expect, but still I can usually
eek my way through the worst of 'em but this one - ewww what a stinker!"

"Lou Ferrigno is a great Hercules. If you
enjoy the classic Hercules movies, you will enjoy this refreshing take
on the old theme. Yes, the special effects are cheesey and the film has
a weird 80's feel to it, but Lou's athleticism and charisma shine through
those faults. This is not a movie that will be enjoyed by the cynical general
public, but this movie is a hit for kids and adults that enjoy movies with
great action and an actor with great screen presence."
"I saw "Hercules" several years
ago with Lou Ferrigno. The only reason my buds and I stayed past the first
10 minutes of a horribly misdubbed plotless flick was the family in front
of us dissing it!! We were rolling in our seats laughing so hard (we had
no fear we would be asked to leave because we would have asked for our
money back because the movie was so bad)." Travis
"I can't understand how so many people think that Hercules was
that bad. When I watch it now, compared to today's standards the SFX look
like crap but back then when I was a child they were believable. What mattered
to me was that Hercules was being played by Lou Ferrigno and he was in
his best shape ever at that time. There will never be another Hercules
that comes close to a physique like that."
"The dungeon scene from that movie was the
ultimate! But the guards should have forced him to drink the potion!"
"Imagine this: my poor Latin teacher in high
school is trying to tell us the story of Hercules and his 12 labors (like
we don't know them already). He spots this film at the video store and
rents it to show us this "classic" IN CLASS!" Lisa
"Lou Ferrigno was a great hercules and this
movie made a lot of homosexuals very excited! They didn't even watch the
movie, they only checked out Louie's behind! Lou Ferrigno's Hercules was
WAY better than Arnold S.'s Hercules movie! Now that was really a shit
movie! At least Louie looked like Hercules! And he rules WAY over pussy
assed Kevin Sorbo! That is really no exageration! I even heard that it
is now a cult classic! Way to go Lou!"
"The movie has basically EVERYTHING, from
battles with men, monsters, wizards and robots to locations on earth, fantasy
realms and, yes, the moon. Problem is, the dialogue is BAD and the FX budget
is spread VERY thin considering the sheer number of "amazing"
sights the script seems to call for." MSTmario
"Lou Ferrigno's got the physique and certainly
looks the part, doing such heroic things as swinging his sword about, slaying
fierce beasts and claiming his spot as the muscle king of Roman mythology.
He just needs to work on his lines. Not just saying them (he needs to do
some push-ups for them vocal cords), but choosing better writers. Maybe
he should have consulted the guys who wrote the "Conan" movies.
But since he was trying to dethrone Arnold as muscleman of choice, maybe
that wasn't in the plan. Either way, if you make a Hercules movie, don't
get your scripts written by the guys who do the special effects in your
movie (especially when they're as fake as these ones are)." George
"Moronic fantasy movie gleefully shreds Greek
mythology & is overloaded with poor fx & Lou Farigno's hulking
ugliness. We actually get to see him fight a guy in a hairy bear suit.
Pathetic excuse for a movie"
"Lou is simply the best - his body is incredible
just oozing with muscles. He is incredibly strong and looks like Hercules
should look like. His massive biceps and huge chest are unbelievable. He
is the one and only Hercules."
"I'd been a fan of 'Herc' flix since childhood
- couldn't wait to see Lou's film. What a stinker! Even some of the 'Sons
of Hercules' flix with starring non-muscular men were better... the ONLY
thing going for Lou's films were his physique - from that standpoint, he
was the most convincing. Hercules is SUPPOSED to be big and muscular -
hear that Kevin Sorbo?"
"Chill out people. It is JUST A MOVIE, for
FANTASY and GOOFYNESS. Lou Ferrigno is ONE HOT DADDY! WOOF! Those pecs,
those nipples, that ass, those biceps, that handsome masculine face. YEA
BABY! Too bad he wasn't naked, I'd pay ANYTHING for that. Lou,you need
to pose totally nude from the front. Do it! Show that AMAZING work of art
you got. ALL OF IT!"
"As a lifelong fan of "ancient Greece"
type movies, I went to see The Hulk as Hercules when it came to theaters.
It left a totally sick, disappointed feeling in my mouth. I wanted to throw
up I was so disappointed." MaryAnnBMc
"Lou has got the body, but the voice needs
work!!! P.S. I saw Lou on TV recently!!! He needs a new TOUPEE!!!"
G. Strydom
"Lou Ferrigno as Hercules is simply awesome.
Those muscles - those biceps - wow!!!!! Want to feel them all over!!!!
So big, so strong. Unbelievable!"
"Hercules II"
"Hercules II" is a truly miserable movie. It was made for
even less than the original, and has NONE of the B movie charm that the
original did." MSTmario
"Lou Ferrigno had an incredibly hot scene in the otherwise completely
worthless Hercules 2 in which his fantastic body sinks to the ground after
having an electric net ensnare him." MMM9449911
"Hercules II is one of the world's worst films, I've seen B films
better than this, B films that looked more like a big budget theatrical
feature compared to that piece of shit." KamenRiderBlack
"The reason to see the films are muscles, muscles, and more muscles!"